Who was Karl Lagerfeld?

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2019

Social media is flooded with tributes and love about the iconic Karl Lagerfeld today as celebrities across the globe mourn the loss of the beloved fashion designer. If you didn’t recognize his name at first, you definitely have seen his exceptional work. He was a true fashion and art genius.

The German designer was one of the hardest working people in the fashion industry. He was the creative director for Chanel, Fendi and worked with many others over the his long, award winning career. The popular designer passed away this morning in France at the age of 85.

He took a chance on many models and taught them high fashion, including supermodel, Naomi Campbell. Today she posted on her instagram, “Karl .. too many memories to write ... , I THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! For taking the chance on 16 year old girl from South London and opening my eyes. May you Rest with the Highest”

Super models and celebrities like Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Kim Kardashian, Donatella...

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digitals photography Feb 11, 2019

Welcome to the next article in my Modeling Without Money series.

I get so many emails from aspiring models telling me that money is the only thing holding them back. Because of that, I decided to write a whole series of articles to crush that limiting belief of yours.

You do not need money to be a model.

This is a lie you are telling yourself because you are either scared to start and go for it, afraid of what people may think of you or you just don’t want to put in the extra work.

You can break into the modeling industry on your own!

Reread the above sentence out loud to yourself one more time.

The only person holding you back is usually yourself.

Now let’s get started….

Many of you may know what “digitals” are, but if you don’t, pay attention.

As a model manager I get sent thousands of photos from models and aspiring models. The problem is, some of you know what you’re doing, but most of you don’t.

Have you ever sent your photos to...

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SNEAK PEAK: Model Adviser Monthly Coaching Session


In one of my Monthly Model Coaching group sessions today no one showed up, so I decided to answer some email questions I received and then publish the recording to give you a sneak peak inside my monthly model coaching group.

When you join the coaching program, you'll be added to a small group of 5-10 models and you'll either be able to phone in and talk to me live or log in to a special website and talk to me through a video call face to face as you see in the video above!

I break everyone into small groups so that I have enough time to answer all your modeling questions.

We meet at least once per month.

If you ever wished you could talk about your modeling goals or problems to someone who's been in the modeling industry and seen it all, my monthly model coaching program is for you.

You can sign up for coaching here: Monthly Model Coaching Sign Up Page


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MODELING WITHOUT MONEY: How To Get Your Dream Photoshoot For Free

How To Start Modeling Without Money

For decades aspiring models have been told to pay this or that to get started in the modeling industry. They’ve been ripped off, lied to, or taken advantage of, and it’s sad.

One of the most common things I hear is, “I don’t have money to start modeling”. I understand why you think this. You’ve been taught that. You’re told “it takes money to make money”, including having to pay for photographers, make-up artists, agencies, modeling school, managers, etc!

The truth is if you’re willing to put in work, you can start modeling without paying a dime.

Wow Heidi - That sounds amazing. But how?

Well, you're in the right place.

In this "Modeling Without Money" blog series, I'm going to give you a few tips that will allow you to build your modeling portfolio and skills even if you don't have the funds to do it at the moment.

We all need to start somewhere. The first thing a model needs is photos,...

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MODEL ADVICE: Why You're Not Booking The Job

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2018

Why You’re Not Booking The Job

As most models know there’s competition galore when it comes to booking a job, and when you don’t book it or even get a call-back to what you thought was an ideal job for you, it just plain hurts!

A lot of models have been there. You finally get a big casting from your agent or from something you’ve submitted yourself on. You knew the job description was absolutely perfect for you! Everything on the job break-down screamed you. Your age, height, hair, skin tone… Even the product you loved and used personally! You eagerly go to the casting, and you rock it! You walk out of the casting room smiling, knowing they loved you. A small part of you might have even been thinking everyone else waiting to be seen is wasting their time. You have this one in the bag! Or so you thought.

So why didn’t you get a call-back? Why didn’t you book it? You saw all your competition at the first casting. You knew they didn’t...

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MODEL ADVISER CASTING ALERT: IMG Models and Good American Open Casting Call with Khloe Kardashian

casting alert Nov 02, 2018

Hi Guys

Just a quick alert on a cool IMG model casting call. Here are the details:

Since day one, our mission at GOOD AMERICAN has been to show a diverse representation of all women in everything we do and what better way to do this than to give our customer the opportunity to be cast in our campaign and join the #GOODSQUAD?

Our open casting is BACK. Apply now for the chance to attend a callback for our next campaign featuring Khloe Kardashian and an in-person meeting with IMG Models, the international leader in model management and widely recognized for its diverse client roster. As part of their @WeLoveYourGenes #WLYG scouting initiative, we’ve partnered together on our epic search for Squad-worthy talent ages 14+!

APPLY HERE: https://www.goodamerican.com/pages/casting 

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Dan Aykroyd Motivated The Model Adviser to Start Modeling

advice modeling Sep 07, 2018

Hey Guys

Quick post.

Here's a recent interview I did on Youtube that goes over what I did to jumpstart my modeling career and the story of how I was given the inspiration I needed my the movie start Dan Aykroyd. Watch it. I promise you'll learn something good for your modeling career. If you like the interview, please give it a share on your social media pages!

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MODEL ADVISER ALERT: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Open Casting Call 2018

casting siswimsuit Jun 26, 2018

Its that time of year again and THIS IS HUGE.

Your chance to make your submission to the 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue open casting call ENDS IN ONE DAY on June 29th 2018.

Yes, this means you can actually be in the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE (unless you're a dude. Sorry dudes).

Since you've read my model submission guide and have been making submissions to modeling agencies every month, you should already be a submitting pro, right?

Last year, even a Model Adviser Instagram follower made it all the way to the New York City casting!

Here's the official Sports Illustrated entry link and details:


THE OPEN CASTING ENDS JUNE 29TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case you don't want to read the directions in the link above, here's how to make your submission:

"To be considered in the first round, please submit a 60-second video of yourself on Instagram by tagging @si_swimsuit and...

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The Model Adviser LIVE (TMAL4)


Here's my latest Model Adviser LIVE Q&A session on Instagram you guys. Watch it because I'm sure you have some of the same modeling advice questions.

By the way, "TMAL" = The Model Adviser LIVE

Click play and watch it now!

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The Model Adviser LIVE: Instagram Q&A and Modeling Advice (REPLAY)


So lately I've been trying to give modeling advice to my email subscribers and social media followers by doing live Question and Answer sessions.

I'm calling these sessions "The Model Adviser LIVE". Also known as "TMAL".

So anytime on Instagram or in my emails you see me mention TMALs or The Model Adviser LIVE, pay attention because it means you will have the opportunity to talk to a modeling industry professional for free.

I initially tried to do these TMAL sessions on Facebook Live but that didn't work out so well. I also tried Youtube Live but that didnt work so well.

What I have found works the best for these modeling advice sessions is INSTAGRAM LIVE. You can watch the replay of my second Instagram LIVE session by clicking on the above video.

So for the near future, I will be doing all The Model Adviser LIVE sessions (TMALs) on Instagram Live. I will try to do at least one per week, but no guarantees. 

After the session is over, I will also try to upload it to my Youtube channel...

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